Longest-running Jazz fest returns to Goshen

GOSHEN — Honoring a pioneer in jazz music, the Cornerstone Arts Alliance will hold the 9th Annual Willie "The Lion" Smith Goshen Jazz Festival this Saturday, Sept. 15.
This is the longest running jazz festival in Orange County and will feature local talents including pianist Richard Wiggins, The Michael Jackson Trio, The Steve Kaiser Trio, The Christopher Dean Sullivan Jazz Journey with Judi Silvano and Gabriele Tranchina.
"Willie 'The Lion' Smith was one of the pioneers of the stride piano style of the American world music genre or Jazz, along with James Johnson and Thomas "Fats" Waller," said Christopher Dean Sullivan, Music Director at the Cornerstone Arts Alliance. "We are paying tribute to one of our American innovators of this particular classic style. A style that is used throughout the world now."
Considered a leader in Jazz and a native of Goshen, County Executive Ed Diana honored Smith by proclaiming Sept. 15 as Willie "The Lion" Smith Day.
As a musician himself, Sullivan holds a high regard for Smith and believes the festival not only honors him but will bring together people of all cultures.
"Jazz is not black, its not white," said Sullivan. "Jazz brings everyone together."
As a young boy, Sullivan became familiarized with music as his mother ran a record shop in California during the 1950's.
As music became ingrained in him, Sullivan started playing the Bass and two weeks later was already performing. He has performed across the country and will be returning to the jazz festival this year as the headliner after a four year absence.
The free festival will run from noon to midnight with performances making their way through Goshen at a variety of local establishments including the Goshen Music Hall Theater, Maureen Mullany's Pub, St. James Episcopal Church and Kelly Jean's.
For more information call 845-294-4188 or visit cornerstoneartsalliance.wordpress.com/event-information-2/willie-the-lion-smith-jazz-festival.