Storm causes area flooding
Chester. The severe storms that struck the area Tuesday caused flooding all over town and flooded homes and yards on Conklingtown Road and on Route 17. Another home had a tree fall on it.

A massive thunderstorm caused flooding all over the area, including Route 17 and on Conklington Road, adjacent to the Greens of Chester property.
Conklingtown Road resident Ed Winters warned about the situation over two years ago.
The basement of Dave Bell, the former Chester Highway Superintendent was flooded and his next door neighbor’s also was flooded. The fire department pumped water from Bell’s neighbor’s basement.
The small stream passing under Route 94 near Conklingtown Road is now turbid due to excessive runoff, and the storm also knocked out power in the area.
When the paper contacted Tom Becker for a comment, he said,
“It’s a shame that residents are having flooding issues from the Greens of Chester property,” Tom Becker said.
No comments were received from Livy Swartz, Bob Valentine or Ed Winters before press time.
A tree also fell on a house on Carpenter Road, causing damage.