Route 17 corridor. Image courtesy of NYS DOT. ( Image courtesy of NYS DOT) Key step to Route 17 enhancement underway A study to determine the potential environmental impacts from the planned Route 17/Interstate 86 enhancement project is ongoing... Local News 26 Jul 2023 | 11:17
Flooding near the Long Mountain traffic circle on Sunday, July 9. Photo courtesy of New York State Police ( Photo courtesy of New York State Police) ‘You would not believe the devastation’ The impacts stemming from Sunday’s flash flood are still being felt across the area and Town of Woodbury Supervisor Thomas... Local News 12 Jul 2023 | 02:02
This is the view just above the road leading to the Thayer Hotel at the U.S. Military Academy. Photo by Megan Cardone. ‘You would not believe the devastation’ New York State Gov. Kathy Hochul joined Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus in declaring a state of emergency after Sunday’s... Local News 10 Jul 2023 | 05:59
Uprising against Orange County IDA To the editor: Elected officials sent this letter to the Orange County Industrial Development Agency: Dear IDA Board: While... Letters to the Editor 06 Sep 2022 | 10:16
Ex-Knicks star, Holdridge seek to bring cannabis to Chester