Tips for a safe Halloween

Goshen /
| 18 Oct 2024 | 01:13

    1. Try to trick or treat while it is still light outside. If you must go at night, make sure that your costume is light in color or has reflective or glow in the dark patches on it so you can be seen easily. Always carry a flashlight. It will help you to be seen as well as to see.

    2. Go trick or treating with a grownup. If a grownup can’t go with you, trick or treat with a group. Tell your family on which streets you will be trick or treating and visit only people you know.

    3. Make sure your costume lets you see and hear perfectly. Use makeup instead of a mask. You need to be able to watch and listen for cars.

    4. Make sure your costume fits. It’s easy to trip on costumes that are too long or shoes that are too big. You need to be able to walk, see and be seen easily.

    5. Always walk on sidewalks, where available. If there are no sidewalks, always walk facing traffic. Cross streets only at corners. Never cross between vehicles or mid-block.

    6. Don’t eat treats until you show them to your parents or a trusted adult.

    Motorists are asked to avoid cutting through residential areas that will likely have large numbers of trick-or-treaters, particularly Murray Ave., Montgomery St., Lincoln Ave., and Wickham Ave.

    The village of Goshen has a Halloween curfew in effect from Wednesday, October 30 8 p.m. through Friday, November 1 6 a.m.

    The Village of Goshen Police Department will have extra patrols out during Halloween. Police officers and Goshen Fire Police will be monitoring pedestrian and vehicular traffic in residential areas to ensure a safe Halloween for everyone.

    The Village of Goshen Police Department would like to wish everyone a happy and safe Halloween!

    Chief Ryan Rich

    Goshen Village Police
