The struggle continues, but still the African American rises
My View. History shows even if they were turned away, still they strived to be better, so they can make the grade the next time, and the next time, and the next time.

Here we are again celebrating Black History Month, here we look at all African American History. From the time we landed here in 1619 till the present day. Here is a history that is rich when it comes to accomplishments, and goals. As we will find that there are no barriers when it comes to African Americans rising to the top and being proud of who they are and where they came from.
The struggle was real for the African Americans, and they fought and died for their right to be free from being a slave, someone’s personal property. At that time Humanity didn’t include African Americans.
They were treated as livestock, merchandise, and were sold at the market like animals. This was the ugly part of black history many people don’t want to talk about or include it in the American History books. Unfortunately, it’s a part of American History even if you don’t want to acknowledge it, it happened.
History shows even if they were turned away, still they strived to be better, so they can make the grade the next time, and the next time, and the next time. From picking cotton in the fields, African Americans became inventors. Thomas L. Jennings 1791-1856, Inventor, Tradesman, Entrepreneur, and abolitionist in New York, New York was the first African American that was granted a patent for his novel method of dry cleaning. Sarah Boone 1832-1904, Inventor she also obtained a patent, number 473,563 for her improvements to the ironing board. And so many more accomplishments, that contribute to the growth of America. The phrase “Still I Rise” comes to mind, because regardless of the struggle, regardless of being captive into slavery, still, the African Americans were determined to be successful with whatever society had to offer.
Still today the African Americans still rise to be the best they can be, regardless of discrimination, and racial hate, along with no equal justice, Still We Rise! From building shacks for their homes, we became, doctors, lawyers, teachers, professional athletes, actresses and actors, professors, engineers, NASA Administrators, Tuskegee Airmen, judges, and more, and Still, We Rise! Barack Obama achieved the highest honor in America, the President of the United States of America, and Still, We Rise!
The ugly part today, many do not want to call it Black History, they call it Critical Race Theory. A name that was created to ignore the dark part of American History and the essential part of American History will help us understand why we are where we are at today, and why racism is the key to division in America. You can’t hide the truth from your children, that is dangerous because eventually they will find out the truth and hold you accountable for not educating them.
Quotes from Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” poem:
You may write me down in history, with your bitter, twisted lies. You may trod me in the very dirt, But still, like dust, I’ll Rise.
You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still like air I’ll Rise.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I Rise, Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I Rise, Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream, and the hope of the slave. I Rise I Rise I Rise.
The African American race and culture is rich in strength, rich in endurance, rich in intelligence, rich because through all the trials, and all barriers, We continue to RISE! Celebrating Black history!
Editor’s note: Dr. Thomas Braxton Jones Jr. is President of Monroe County United, a nonprofit organization based in Stroudsburg whose mission is to build a community where everyone feels welcome regardless of race, color, creed or religion. It focuses on building relations and breaking barriers through our education, youth, law enforcement and spirituality committees.
The ugly part today, many do not want to call it Black History, they call it Critical Race Theory. A name that was created to ignore the dark part of American History and the essential part of American History will help us understand why we are where we are at today, and why racism is the key to division in America. You can’t hide the truth from your children, that is dangerous because eventually they will find out the truth and hold you accountable for not educating them.