Last week we started dispelling some library-related myths and misconceptions. There are so many that we’d like to continue with some more!
One we sometimes encounter is related to our local history collection: when handling rare and delicate materials, you have to wear white cotton gloves. In the past, libraries have made patrons wear such gloves and there may be a few that still do this. However, years of archival study have shown that, as long as your hands are clean and dry, it’s better to avoid wearing gloves when handling delicate books. The reason is that when a person is wearing gloves, their senses are dulled and they’re more likely to damage what they’re handling!
Another thing we sometimes hear is that librarians spend all their time reading. In reality, when we’re on the clock, if any employee is reading it’s going to be something work-related, such as book reviews or professional manuals. While many members of the staff regularly read for fun on their own time, we are not reading novels at the desk.
A misconception that’s unfortunate is that libraries are static and unchanging. Aside from the fact that we’re in a beautiful new building, our collection is constantly evolving. Within the past five years, we’ve started making yard games and board games available for checkout. Just last year, we started getting movies on Ultra-HD 4k discs along with regular Blu-Ray discs. We routinely remove older items that don’t get checked out and add new things to take their place. If your last visit to the library was a few years ago, try visiting again and seeing what has changed!
eBooks are the subject of other misconceptions in different ways! Some people are unaware that we even have eBooks — they’re available through Libby and Hoopla, ask at the reference desk for more information. Other people assume that we can provide people with as many copies as needed without restriction or that they cost as much as physical books. The unfortunate truth is that publishers are very strict when it comes to licensing eBooks: they’re typically much more expensive than physical books or have strict limitations on how many times they can be checked out or how long we’re allowed to make it available.
The Goshen Public library has some fun programs coming up to help beat those winter blahs. The Game On! series continues with Boardom Busters on Friday, January 31 at 4:30 p.m. where kids in grades K-6 can learn about the importance of strategy, dexterity and other gaming tactics by playing classic and newly released board games. For teens and tweens (grades 6-12), join in the Fun Food Challenge – Popcorn on Tuesday, January 28 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Or bring the whole family to Puzzle Palooza on January 29 at 4:30 p.m. and participate in a puzzle race! The first family to finish wins a prize!
For our adults, the Public Domain Celebration continues January 31 with “The Broadway Melody” (1929) — the first sound film to win the Academy Award for Best Picture. And for adults looking to get some winter social crafting in, come to our card making program on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Whether it’s a Valentine for a special someone, a birthday card for your best friends, or you’re still behind on thank you notes, this is a great chance to create a card or two with colored paper, die cuts and stamps.
You can access our full online calendar on our website.
Goshen Public Library