Village Comprehensive Plan Committee to meet July 16
Chester. The document has seven areas of the focus: agriculture, economic development, historic preservation, housing, infrastructure, recreation and entertainment and transportation.

A meeting of the Village of Chester Comprehensive Plan Committee will be held Thursday, July 16, at the Town of Chester Recreation Center, 81 Laroe Road, Chester.
It will begin at 7 p.m. and is open to the public. At this meeting, the committee members will decide which of the comments raised at the June 25 public hearing and those submitted via the village’s website will result in revisions to the draft Comprehensive Plan.
The revised Comprehensive Plan will be posted on the village’s website before a final public hearing takes place.
Work on the Comprehensive Plan began in 2017 when the Village Board of Trustees created a committee composed of its members and citizens to work on the plan, which is a document designed to guide future actions of the Village’s policies and laws.
It establishes a vision for the development and preservation of the village, with short-term and long-range goals and objectives.
In 2018, Alan Sorensen of Planit Main Street was appointed planner.
The public was encouraged to participate in the planning process by attending committee meetings and work sessions held during 2018 and 2019, at which the seven areas of the plan’s focus: agriculture, economic development, historic preservation, housing, infrastructure, recreation and entertainment and transportation, were discussed.
Further information about comprehensive plans and the Village of Chester draft can be found at