‘Threat of violence’ prompts investigation at Chester Academy

Chester. After police secured the area, the students were able to continue their school day.

| 19 Sep 2024 | 11:30

Student at Chester Academy had the start of their school day interrupted on Thursday after a student reported seeing a threat of violence posted on social media.

In a statement, the school district explained, “This morning, the district received a report from a parent whose child contacted them from the bus regarding a social media threat. Given the nature of social media and the significance of any potential threat, the district immediately worked with local law enforcement to assess and respond to the situation. Several students were interviewed, while others remained on the buses during the lockout. Students who had already arrived at school were directed to specific locations or their classes.

“Parents of Chester Elementary School (CES) students were notified that transportation would be delayed, while those dropping off students were able to do so safely through collaboration with law enforcement. Law enforcement thoroughly assessed the situation and deemed the buildings safe. After that assessment, Chester Academy students were escorted off the buses one bus at a time, with their bags checked by the K-9 unit prior to entering the auditorium. Once all students were safely inside, they were sent to their classes. As an added precaution, there was increased police presence at Chester Elementary School during student arrival. Any students requiring guidance or support services will have access to those resources.

“We want to emphasize that any threats made are taken very seriously, and the safety of our students and staff is our highest priority. We thank our students and staff for immediately following safety protocols, and we extend our gratitude to local law enforcement for their expedited response. We also appreciate our families for their patience and understanding as we continue to prioritize the safety of our students and staff at all times.”