The Class of 1966, together again

| 16 Nov 2016 | 03:32

By Geri Corey
— It’s great to get together with old friends, and I’m happy so many could make it here tonight. It’s really nice,” said Goshenite Joe Dembeck, commenting on a reunion he attended with fellow Goshen High School graduates from the class of 1966.
Getting together after 50 years is a big deal, and many of the 73 graduates who attended, out of a class of 133, echoed the same sentiments as Dembeck—they’re happy to reconnect with old friends, reminisce about past times and catch up on the latest news.
All who commented on their school days had great things to say about Goshen High School back in the 60s.
“I was social in high school, and I loved learning and the great teachers,” said Gail (Van Cura) Van Tassell, one of the organizers of the event, who goes on to say, “High School set my spirit for life — there was a lot of camaraderie. I have spirit, I love life; this I learned from the people in school.”
Other than the reunion, Van Tassell had another reason to celebrate. She met her husband in high school, and they married in October after she graduated—he had graduated the year before. So, the day after the reunion, on Oct. 16, 2016 she and hubby celebrated their 50 wedding anniversary!
Reunion organizer Jeanne Pahucki came up from Florida for the event, which was held at Delancey’s Restaurant, on Park Place. Her time in Goshen doubled as reunion time with family at their farm in New Hampton.
“We had wonderful teachers, naming Mrs. Littlefield and Mr. Johnson as two. They were inspiring — dedicated and educated,” adding that the class of 1966 was a “special class,” a wonderful mix of people, who studied together, were in band and plays together. “Fifty years is a goodly number,” Pahucki remarked.
Fun and gamesAt the night’s gathering, several ice breaker games for spouses and significant others were held, and each graduate went home with a gift bag that included some great treasures, worthy of keeping: several CDs featuring music from the 50s and 60s, a burned CD label of the old C.J. Hooker school-when it was the high school, leather notepad emblazoned with C.J. Hooker High School and the class year, and the “Goshen Chamber of Commerce Welcome Guide” for, according to organizer and classmate, Bill Standish, “those who make periodic visits to their hometown.” Standish also acted as emcee for the get together.
A special cake that organizer Sue Ellen (Crist) Samuelson designed for the occasion, was enjoyed by all. Samuelson also handled mailers and correspondence for the festivities, making sure everyone had all the information to attend the event.
Helping to jog memories for reminiscing, old high school pictures were on each table and a slide show of photos from the past showed throughout the evening.
Not to forget those school friends who had passed away, a memorial table with yearbook photos of the deceased and lighted candles was set-up—under Pahucki’s guidance—along a wall, offering attendees a time for remembering and reflection.
Graduate Malcolm Stewart, an attorney who still resides in Goshen with his family, recalled his active high school experience—playing in the band, singing in the chorus, acting in the school plays, and playing football.
“I was active, very busy, I had a good time,” he said, but not too good of a time. “My father was assistant principal while I was there, so I had to behave,” he said, with a little chuckle.
Stewart summed up the evening’s get together, saying what everyone was thinking: “This reunion is awesome!”