Student recital

Fourteen students from Jody Weatherstone's voice studio performed in recital at Christ Church in Warwick on Sunday, Aug. 30. They ranged in age from 10 years old through adult and represented the surrounding towns of Warwick, Chester, Monroe, Newburgh, Minisink, Washingtonville, West Milford, N.J., and Vernon N.J. Accompanied by Alex Wise on piano, selections ranged from Mozart, Grieg and Copland, to Rodgers and Hammerstein, Haydn and even Sia. Beginning in front, from left to right, are: Amanda Buck, Arcadia Sussman, Julia Mosier, Gaby Mirasola, Jenna Rowen-Delson, Reyna Marie Whitty, Chloe Borthwick and Julia Callaghan; and in back: Jody Weatherstone, Stephanie Trevenen, Diana Nyberg, Kerry Peysson, Alex Lombardo, Noelle Manelis and Laura Beth Wurster.
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