St. John’s receives Sacred Sites grant
Goshen. The St. John’s African Union Methodist Protestant Church has received a $15,000 grant to help fund repairs, repainting and roof re-shingling. The church was constructed in 1910 and is a load-bearing, brown-red brick masonry building with a bluestone foundation topped by a high, hipped roof. The interior contains original wood, bead-boarded wainscoting and ceiling, plaster, oak flooring, and wood altar rail.

St. John’s African Union Methodist Protestant in Church has received a $15,000 grant from The New York Landmarks Conservancy to help fund repair, repainting and roof re-shingling.
Formerly known as the Olivet Chapel, St. John’s AUMP Church was originally constructed as a Presbyterian African-American mission chapel located in Goshen. St. John’s African Union Methodist Protestant Church has owned the building since 1965.
The church was constructed in 1910 and is a load-bearing, brown-red brick masonry building with a bluestone foundation topped by a high, hipped roof. The interior contains original wood, bead-boarded wainscoting and ceiling, plaster, oak flooring, and wood altar rail.
In addition to worship, the church participates within an ad-hoc interfaith community in Goshen to support a food pantry. The local BOCES staffs the pantry. Boy Scout Troop 63 is affiliated with the church. There are occasional clothing drives, bake sales, and community dinners in combination with other nearby churches and synagogues. Combined, these activities reach about 350 people a year.