Robert Valentine
Chester. Robert Valentine, the incumbent Town of Chester supervisor, is being challenged in the Republican primary.

What makes you uniquely qualified for this position?
As a town board member for 10 years, the last four and a half as town supervisor, I have faced the challenges of the position. I have written and balanced four town budgets and have the knowledge to provide stable taxes.
I was responsible for the acquisition and operation of the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center (SLPAC) and helped bring arts and entertainment back to Chester. I handled the reconstruction of our highway garage and the replacement of our trucks and equipment lost by fire and held our insurance company accountable.
I negotiated the settlement of the Greens of Chester Lawsuit took on the New York State Attorney General and our insurance company and won with no cost to Chester residents.
I was instrumental in the creation of the comprehensive and preservation plans and introduced the Chester PDR (purchase of development rights) program for adoption.
My 30 years of experience as a land developer, excavator, and home builder have given me the knowledge and experience to handle planning, zoning, and infrastructure challenges for the benefit of the Chester residents.
What are the most pressing issues in the office you are seeking?
The most challenging issues of town supervisor would be the fiscal responsibility: Staying under the tax cap in budgeting with ever-rising costs of daily operations, as well as providing for our police and highway departments in an effort to keep our town residents and roadways safe. Providing funding for infrastructure in our water districts while limiting the financial burden on district residents. Trying to preserve the historic value of our town with ongoing preservation efforts like open space, agriculture, or historic designation.
What do you see as the supervisor’s primary role?
My vision of the supervisor’s role is to be the continuity between the residents and the government that serves them; the person who can handle the responsible discharge of duties and finances in our town; the problem solver in times of emergency and to act on behalf of all residents’ best interests. The supervisor also has to be able to take criticism and diffuse or make for the best outcome in a seemingly hopeless scenario.
How do you plan to involve residents in the decision-making process?
I feel that all residents have the basic right to a seat at the table in regards to decisions at the town level. Since 2014 I have posted my personal cell phone number on the town website. I am always available to the residents of Chester and encourage communication. Although we may not always agree, I feel debate on any topic can foster changes that may benefit all the parties involved. I also believe in committees of the general public to get a pulse on any given topic and have served on many in the past.
If you received a $1 million grant to use for the town any way you wanted, what would you want to do with it and why?
If the town were to receive a grant without restrictions, I would have to say it should be distributed throughout the town to serve as many residents as possible. Infrastructure in problematic areas, parks and parkland for the use of all residents. Economic improvements to bring in revenue and improve the marketability of our businesses. I would have to say it won’t go far.