Photographer Kyle Knapp shared this image of a Sedge Wren along with the following notes:
For the past week and a half some of you may have noticed quite a few photographers and birdwatchers on Lower Wisner Road. This is because of a “rare” bird for New York called the Sedge Wren.
According to “All About Birds” found on The Cornell Lab web site, the Sedge Wren is one of the most nomadic territorial birds in North America. On a given area, it may be present in numbers in one year, and be completely absent the next.
Smaller than a sparrow, it is commonly heard before seen, although this particular group can be seen from the road quite easily.
Take a walk down Lower Wisner Road and see and hear for yourself.
If people are interested in learning more about the Sedge Wren or other birds, check out the Audubon Society at Audubon.org or the EBird site at ebird.org.