Ranni resigns from town board

| 03 Sep 2015 | 03:26

CHESTER — Chester Councilwoman Linda Ranni has resigned, Supervisor Alex Jamieson announced at last week's town board meeting.

Ranni had been appointed to fill the seat vacated by Jamieson when he took over as supervisor last January. He in turn filled the spot left empty when the former supervisor, Steve Neuhaus, took office as Orange County executive.

Ranni, a Republican, was elected to the position last November after beating Democrat Stephen Diffley, 1,826-1,271. Previously, she had chaired the town's Zoning Board of Appeals.

She cited personal reasons for leaving in her resignation letter, and said she's moving out of town.

Jamieson said it's too early to name a replacement, with notice of Ranni's resignation only very recently received. The current board — Bob Valentine, Cindy Smith, Jerry Murray, and Alex Jamieson — still has a quorum without her, and may decide to leave her post vacant, Jamieson said.

By Edie Johnson