Middletown. Orange County 4-Hers thank essential funeral home employees

Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County 4-H hosted a virtual card making party on May 21st as a part of a larger community service initiative to thank local essential workers and volunteers.
On May 21st, cards of affirmation were specifically made to acknowledge the overworked and overlooked funeral home directors and employees.
The 4-H pledge was adhered to the inside of each card along with a personally hand written sentiment that 4-H youth, families and staff were thinking of them and wished them well. There are approximately 35 funeral homes in Orange County and a card was sent to each of them in acknowledgement of the work they are doing and their important role they have during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Some major concerns for funeral directors and staff are the same as they are for essential health care workers, which is to stay protected from the contagion and limited access to face masks and other personal protective equipment supplies.
“The cards are a simple yet impactful way to say “We appreciate you and thank you for your service” said Malinda Ware, Orange County 4-H Youth Development Program Leader.
All are welcome to participate in 4-H’s upcoming virtual card making party via the online platform Zoom on Thursday, June 18, from 6 to 8 p.m.
Visit the website event page at http://cceorangecounty.org/events/2020/06/04/4-h-virtual-card-making-party for more information and for the Zoom link.
For more information call Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County at 845-344-1234 or visit our website at www.CCEOrangeCounty.org.