Goshen Public Library welcomes interim director

Goshen. In her interim role, Joslyn Bowling Dixon will also help the board find a permanent director.

Goshen /
| 19 Jul 2024 | 02:13

The Board of Trustees of the Goshen Public Library & Historical Society (GPL&HS) recently announced that Joslyn Bowling Dixon will serve as interim library director. At the regular Board meeting on July 8, the Board provisionally accepted Dixon’s appointment pending legal review, with finalization of the interim director contract on July 15.

According to the Board, Dixon currently serves as interim director of the New Rochelle Public Library, helping them as they transition to a new full-time director. The announcement explained that Dixon will serve a similar role in Goshen, assisting the library board and staff as they search for a permanent director.

“The Board of Trustees is committed to a thorough and expedient search process to find a permanent director who will continue to uphold the library’s standards of excellence and service to the community,” the board stated in its announcement. “Ms. Dixon will provide a pivotal role of leadership and guidance during this transition period. The library staff remains dedicated to serving patrons without interruption. The Board’s continued focus is on ensuring a seamless transition and continuing to provide the community with the high-quality library services they expect and deserve.”