Goshen introduces laws to extend terms of three elected positions

Goshen. The laws would extend the terms of supervisor, highway superintendent and town clerk.

Goshen /
| 04 Mar 2025 | 08:10

The Goshen Town Board is seeking to extend the terms of the supervisor, highway superintendent and town clerk from two to four years. In addition, they are seeking to combine the duties of the tax receiver and town clerk into one office.

They set a public hearing of March 13 for all three positions to be discussed and a potential special election of May 7 for the public to vote on the matter. The change is subject to a mandatory referendum.

Senior services

The board voted to allocate $5,000, with another $5,000 coming from a county grant, to contract with Jewish Family Service of Orange County to provide services for seniors in the town. The contract agency will help with medical transportation, groceries, and meals.

Police force

Police Chief James Post reported that the department had become “top heavy” with 20-year veterans of the force making up a disproportionate share of the police force, including one retirement. He asked the board to address the situation in upcoming meetings.

The town hired two part-time police officers to make up for two officers who recently left. Jason Lewis was hired at $35 per hour and Stuart Lloyd was hired at $32 per hour.

Other business

The board voted unanimously to increase the hourly pay rate for town attorneys and engineers to $210 per hour.

Board member Phil Canterino introduced work that had been done on the comprehensive plan to other board members. Canterino works with a 10-member board to update the town’s plan. The work that had been done is now redlined for other board members to look at and provide feedback on.

A member of the public spoke against plans to relocate the town hall. He said such spending was contrary to the message sent by America in the recent presidential election.