Goshen. Congressional candidate Chele Farley opens campaign office

On Aug. 15, more than 100 supporters attended the second campaign office grand opening of Chele Farley, Republican and Conservative candidate in New York’s 18th Congressional district.
The office, located at 25 Main St. in Goshen, was provided by the Republican National Committee and Trump Victory campaign as an investment in Chele’s campaign against incumbent Democrat Sean Patrick Maloney.
“The Hudson Valley spoke today for the representation they want in Congress and every level of government,” Farley said in the press release detailing the event. “Today’s outpouring of support shows that voters are fed up with do-nothing politicians like my opponent Sean Maloney and are ready to elect someone who will actually get something done. As an engineer, I’m ready to go to Washington and fix Congress.”
Assemblyman Karl Brabenec (AD-98), who acted as master of ceremonies, said: “Today was an exciting kick-off to our quest for victory in November. If today showed anything, it’s that Republicans in Orange County want Chele Farley representing them in Congress. We are energized and ready to change our nation for the better.”
Richard Guertin, candidate for New York State Supreme Court in District 9, added: “I am proud to be on the same ballot as Chele Farley and the other Republican and Conservative endorsed candidates. I look forward to November with them.”
Visit www.CheleFarley.com for more information.