In times like these we need all the help we can get to keep on the positive side of the train as it speeds through the unknown.
To that end. Rabbi Meir and Rivkie of Chabad in Goshen recently hosted a special guest speaker in a safe environment with Kosher Chinese food.
Chabad’s new facilities in the former home of the Goshen Public Library and Historical Society boasts lots of space to give each family (or pod) their own table.
Clinical Social Worker Joy Stimmel wove the spiritual Kabbalistic view into practical ways to keep mind over matter. Rabbi Meir Borenstein introduced her with some humor and a good time was enjoyed by all.
“We pride ourselves in continuing to offer classes, activities, services and Hebrew school in these strange times,” said Chabad Program Director Rivkie Borenstein. “It makes us think out of the box for ways that are safe and COVID-friendly. Seeing people and sitting apart but feeling the sense of community through these cold dark months are our goal.”
For questions or suggestions email chabadoc@gmail.com chabadoc.com.