Goshen 2020 sharpens its vision

| 25 Jun 2015 | 10:59

By Geri Corey
— “We seek to answer the question, ‘What do we want our community to look like in the year 2020?’” said Goshen Village Mayor Kyle Roddey at the second community meeting to gather residents’ suggestions.

The village board, in creating a vision for Goshen's future, is seeking new ideas, Roddey explained at a June 11 meeting held at the Goshen Senior Center. For any visionary plan to succeed, he said, the thoughts and imagination of village residents must be part of it.

“Goshen is a wonderful place already, but there are many things we can do to bring out the best in the community,” he said at the onset of the meeting.

The project is called: Goshen 2020.

Attendees noted that many community assets are already in place, like the Heritage Trail, the Hall of Fame of the Trotters, the Salesian and Erie parks, the Farmer’s Market, the new Goshen Art Walk, and the Tour de Goshen bike ride. Plays are presented at the Goshen Music Hall, and volunteers, including members of the Goshen Garden Club and Goshen in Bloom, work to keep the village beautiful. It has a variety of restaurants, with new businesses proposed. Goshen has good schools and a good library, and many historical buildings and monuments.

Challenges and suggestionsThe mayor asked the group for solutions to enhance the community, keeping challenges in mind — for instance, the need for better sports fields and parks, a supermarket, improved Halloween safety, and greater support of downtown businesses, sidewalk additions and improvements.

Among the suggestions are:
Visitors' center to direct newcomers to attractions

Weekly or monthly newspaper article written by the mayor to keep people informed on what’s happening locally

Reach out to neighboring municipalities, like Campbell Hall, Hamptonburgh, and New Hampton for input

More events for people with children

Sidewalk improvements
Street fairs

More use of Historic Track for events

Bandstand with weekly music events

Movie night
Extended hours Farmer’s Market hours for working people

Music/jazz festivals
Outdoor eating and drinking

Roddey said the following committees have already been formed to develop improvements to the downtown area:

West Main Street
Greenwich Avenue

Environmental Review Board (green energy-based)

Goshen in Bloom
Goshen Garden Club

Illuminate Goshen, to bring holiday sparkle downtown

A survey has been created so that residents may express their personal vision for the future. This survey is on the village website (villageofGoshen-ny.gov). Hard copies are available at Village Hall.

For more information or to offer suggestions for Goshen 2020, call Village Hall at 294-6750 or email Roddey at kyleroddey@gmail.com.