Fundraiser set for Sept. 19 to build affordable housing for veterans
Warwick. Rumshock Veterans Foundation is seeking additional funds to create a sustainable community for veterans. Construction on this unique project is expected to begin in the spring of 2024.

Several elected officials in the lower Hudson Valley region will serve dinner to guests at an upcoming fundraising event for veterans housing at the Landmark Inn in Warwick on Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 7 p.m.
Described as “Public servants serving the public” the At Your Service event will include the following invitees: former State Sen. Mike Martucci (now head of Mid-Hudson News); Assemblyman Karl Brabanec; Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton; Florida Mayor Dan Harter Jr.; Greenwood Lake Mayor Matt Buckley; Village of Warwick Mayor Michael Newhard; Ulster County Supervisor Jen Metzger; Orange County Supervisor Steve Neuhaus; State Sen. James Skoufis; and U.S. Rep. Pat Ryan.
The group will be pressed into service for the event to raise awareness about the need for affordable housing for America’s veterans, a cause that the Rumshock Veterans Foundation has been working on for the last four years, since its inception.
A unique menu
Each waiter team will be given a specific table to serve a three-course dinner that will include carved roast beef with Bordelaise or horseradish sauce, roasted potatoes, sautéed broccoli spears, cauliflower steaks (vegan option), sliced bread, coffee, tea, soft drinks, assorted cookies and meat-themed candy.
There will also be a featured drink, “The Rumshock,” made from dark rum, ginger liqueur, lime juice and Prosecco.
In addition, the waiter-officials will bus the tables, clear the plates and silverware and attend to the requests of guests who may prefer fresh ground pepper, or additional rolls, or substitutions. After all the guests have been served, the elected officials will be seated among them to enjoy the dinner and conversation as well.
Rumshock Veterans Foundation
Terry Anderson, a guest at last year’s dinner, is a former foreign correspondent in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. He served as chief Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press, as well as working as a newspaper editor, television and radio reporter and documentary producer. He is a former Marine and Vietnam veteran, and author of the best-selling book, “Den of Lions,” recounting the seven years he was held hostage in Lebanon.
“This event is a great example of another way in which we can help our veterans,” said Anderson, who went on to urge other residents of the Hudson Valley to keep Rumshock on their radar.
Rumshock Veterans Foundation, a nonprofit founded in February 2019 to provide military members with post-service support, received $400,000 that was secured and announced by then State Sen. Jen Metzger’s office in 2019.
In 2022, then State Sen. Mike Martucci, who had succeeded Metzger, continued the effort to secure the grant, which was used to acquire property in one of Orange County’s first affordable housing projects for veterans, in Port Jervis.
Five components
There are five components to the foundation’s sustainable program:
Rumshock Village, a small residential community of 10 tiny affordable houses for veterans;
Hydroponic farming, maintained by village residents;
Transportation to assist village residents in making appointments to healthcare providers and other necessities;
E-waste recycling, involving the recovery of materials to be used in future production; and
Canine companionship, for emotional support.
Construction on this unique project is expected to begin in the spring of 2024.
Essential information
Tickets to the dinner are $125 per person. Call 845 258-0272.
To learn more about Rumshock’s program and to support their efforts in Orange County, visit