County approves update to veteran tax exemption limits
Goshen. The last time the exemption limits were modified was February 2001.

On February 6, the Orange County Legislature voted unanimously to raise the limits of exemptions for County veterans to the maximum number allowed by New York State.
The county noted that obtaining a veteran exemption is not automatic. Eligible veterans not already receiving a veteran’s exemption must submit the initial exemption application form to their town assessor. Those already receiving a veteran’s exemption do not need to apply again. The deadline for the application in most communities is March 1, but double-check and confirm the date and the status of your exemption with your town assessor.
Benefits of alternative veteran exemption:
• 15% reduction in assessed value to veterans who served during a time of war
• Additional 10% reduction in assessed value to veterans serving in combat zones (including recipients of expeditionary medals)
• Additional reduction in assessed value to veterans who incur service-connected disabilities, equal to one-half of their service-connected disability ratings (regardless of whether such veterans served in combat zones)
• Percentage-level benefits are subject to maximum dollar limits set by each taxing jurisdiction
Paul Wiley, director of the County’s Real Property office, brought the veteran tax exemption to the attention of Orange County Executive Steve Neuhaus and proposed that it not only be renewed, but raised, as the last time the exemption limits were modified was February 2001. Neuhaus then moved this proposal through both the Rules and Ways and Means legislative subcommittees, where it passed unanimously in both before being voted on by the full county legislature.
“Raising the limits of the veterans’ exemptions had not been done here in Orange County since 2001,” said Wiley. “It was time for us to step up and do what we could to ease the tax burden on those who have fought and sacrificed for our country.”