Chester enacts new insurance policy
Chester. The town also agreed to a new cleaning service and tabled a Laroe Farm discussion.

Insurance broker Marshall & Sterling gave a presentation to the Chester Town Board at the December 18 special board meeting, offering to cover the town’s buildings and employees at a rate of $385,850 for 2025. The board voted 3-0 to approve the contract. Councilmen Robert Courtenay and Antonio Ardisana were absent.
Supervisor Brandon Holdridge said the deal is a “huge savings for the town” that was under what was budgeted in the 2025 budget passed earlier. The competing quote was $100,000 more. He noted that last year insurance costs were underbudgeted and the town had to dip $100,000 into reserves to pay for it.
Laroe farm
The board again tabled discussion of a grant opportunity to pay for half of the grant of the Laroe farm property the town had considered purchasing for open space. The county grant would pay for half of the purchase, which Holdridge thought might change the board’s mind on pursuing the open space purchase, which the board had rejected in the past.
Applying for grant does not mean the town has to accept the grant. Councilman Larry Dysinger said he thought it “a waste of time,” and said if the town didn’t have any interest in the property, why should they go through the grant process. “I don’t see how that property will benefit the town.”
The board tabled the discussion for the next meeting.
Other business
The board passed a resolution to sign a $1,725 per month cleaning services contract with Vanguard Cleaning Systems. At $20,700 per year, it would save more than $16,300 per year in comparison to the town’s current cleaning service cost. This is for the town’s four main buildings, not including the Sugar Loaf Performing Arts Center.
The board approved $5,518 for a tool for highway trucks for the Highway Department, which had the money budgeted so it would not add a new expense.