Chester discusses new planning board attorney, chairman
Chester. The board also allocated more of its ARPA funds.

At the December 26 Chester Town Board special meeting the board accepted the resignation of planning board Chairman Don Serotta and planning board member Jon Gifford. A new chairman will be announced at the town’s reorganization meeting in January.
The board also interviewed Alyse Terhune for the vacant planning board attorney position. Terhune touted her resume of over 20 years advising town boards and planning boards. She represents planning boards in Tuxedo Park, Greenwood Lake, and Montebello. The only catch is that due to her schedule there could be a scheduling conflict as the planning board meets on Wednesday night.
Asked what the primary duty of a planning board attorney is, Terhune said, “The role of the planning board attorney first and foremost is to make sure the law is followed and to keep the board out of court.”
Laroe farm
The board was three to one opposed to applying for a grant from the county to cover half of the Laroe family farm open space property. Councilmen Tom Becker and Larry Dysinger were already on record opposing applying for the grant and Councilman Bob Courtenay concurred that the town does not have the $900,000 available to buy the property even if the grant was approved. Rather than rejecting the resolution, Supervisor Brandon Holdridge tabled it indefinitely. Councilman Antonio Ardisana was absent from the meeting.
The board divvied up remaining ARPA funds before the new year. For plumbing work at the police department, $20,000 will be set aside for low bidder Paul Davis. For installing a generator at the senior center, $65,000 will be allotted for low bidder Gen Tech. For the $40,000 remaining for the comprehensive plan committee, $25,000 will remain unallocated and $15,000 will be put in cash reserves. For a new police vehicle, $54,000 will be put in cash reserves. And $80,000 will be used for truck and plows for the parks department. Any remaining ARPA funds will be used to renovate the town hall basement and purchase furniture.
Other business
The board passed a resolution to accept ownership and build an access road of several acres for a project on Oak Woods Lane. The board voted to appoint Marshall Sterling as its workers comp broker of record for 2025.
Dysinger brought some new business to the board at the end of the meeting. He said now that the board has cleared its schedule following budget season, he would like to see some focus on updating local laws. He mentioned property maintenance, filling and grading, and tree preservation as being on his wish list.