Boy Scouts from Troop 63 earn rank of Eagle Scout

| 21 May 2015 | 12:29

By Frances Ruth Harris
On Sunday May 17 six Boy Scouts from Troop 63 in Goshen entered the highest, coveted rank of Eagle Scout in a special ceremony at Goshen High School:

Colin Henkler son of Thomas and Maryellen Henkler,

Erik Hawkins son of James and Denise Hawkins,

John Lundeen son of The Rev. M Carl Lunden and Patricia Behr,

Madison Olivero son of Maria Olivero and John and Carol Olivero,

Advaita Rao-Shama, son of Dr. Harsha Sharma and Saishree Rao,

Dustin Winship, son of Kevin and Cheryl Winship.

Each scout completed a variety of requirements including completing a major project that contributes to other people. And the boys had to have earned a minimum of 21 merit badges.

Rev. Dale Ellen Krazmien of Goshen United Methodist Church gave the invocation.

"The long journey these young men have made have brought them to this special day of recognition," said Krazmien.

The honored position, according to Boy Scouts of America exemplifies their skillfulness in team work, scouting craft, possessing the outstanding character traits of trustworthiness, loyalty, helpfulness, friendliness, courteousness, kindness, obedience, cheerfulness, thriftiness, bravery, cleanliness and reverence.

Jeffery Albanese, Scout Leader of Troop 63, said: "Their trail is not easy while searching for manhood. The boys all view their leaders as role models and recognized them for their unwavering committed guidance not only to scouting but also to each of them as an individual with a promising future."

Local leaders attended the ceremony.

"The same themes of scouting are those of leadership as well," said Senator John L Bonacic.

Village of Goshen Mayor Kyle Roddy,also an Eagle Scout, said that all of the boys' projects make the world a better place.

The American Legion presented the boys with a special recognition.

"The American Legion Eagle Scout Good Citizenship Citation is presented in recognition of the dedication, sacrifice and hard work that a scout undertakes to earn the rank of Eagle. It is significant that of the 21 required merit badges to become an Eagle Scout, three are for citizenship in the community, in the nation and in the world," said Commander James Heslop of Goshen's American Legion Post 377

Reverend M. Carl Lunden of St. James Episodical Church has supported the Boy Scouts for nearly 60 years and gave the benediction.

In closing Albanese said, "May what you've witnessed today be an ever present inspiration."