Warehouse proposal public hearing in Town of Chester coming Dec. 7
Chester. A public hearing for a 166,000 square foot warehouse near Sugar Loaf will be held on Wed., Dec. 7.
| 03 Dec 2022 | 10:07

Screenshot from site plan for warehouse proposal

Screenshot from site plan for warehouse proposal
A public hearing will be held by the Town of Chester Planning Board on Wednesday December 7 th at 7:00 PM for the Davidson Drive Holdings, LLC application for site plan approval for the construction of a 166,000 +-/ square foot warehouse on 16.07 +-/ acres within the Industrial Park (IP) Zone outside the Hamlet of Sugar Loaf in the Town of Chester with access to Lake Station Road.
At this hearing citizens and persons interested will have an opportunity to be heard. See Town of Chester website for changes and updates of the meeting: https://chester-ny.gov