The Computer Guy remains open at all locations as an essential business
Warwick. Service and sales in Warwick, Florida and Goshen are more important than ever. And remote support can help minimize person-to-person contact.

On Sunday, March 22, Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued an order stating that all non-essential businesses must close as of 8 p.m. that night.
Employees who are able to continue working from home using their computers, as well as students who have been doing that already, realize that their computers are now more essential than ever.
The Computer Guy, which offers an array of computer services for residents and businesses at locations in Warwick, Florida and Goshen, is an essential business and will remain open.
“We can make sure your computer is safe from viruses as you are trying to be safe at home,” said owner Kevin Brand. "The Computer Guy has been around a long time, through good times and even through the hard times for our community. We will continue to be here for you.”
Certified technicians at the Computer Guy will provide support for those who usually work from home as well as those who find themselves in new territory and parents assisting their children as remote schooling becomes more of a reality.
“We will continue to offer both drop-off service in our stores, or remote support for you to try and help minimize person to person contact,” said Brand. “We are continuing to receive computer parts for repairs, add on items such as WEB Cams for video conferencing, USB Speakers, laptop docking stations and so forth. Please remember that you do not need to stress out about how you are going to make it through this time of uncertainty with your computer acting up. Let us help with that, while you concentrate on more pressing issues at hand. We are here to help.”
The Computer Guy also carries new computers and other accessories.
For additional information call 988-0708 or visit
- Roger Gavan