Nativity scene to be staged with carols, sheep and cow
Goshen. The Christmas story will be staged outside the First Presbyterian Church in Goshen, on Dec. 23 at 5:30 p.m.

The First Presbyterian Church in Goshen is once again staging a Living Nativity performance on Friday, December 23 at 5:30 p.m.
This will be the third year that the church presents this dramatization, staged at the front of the church at 33 Park Place, facing South Church Street, in the heart of downtown Goshen.
Onlookers are encouraged to wear hats, scarves, and gloves to this outdoor event. Dress warmly, the organizers advise.
The event combines staging of the Christmas story and singing of carols. As the audience participates, singing well-known Christmas carols with church organist Jonathan Hall at the keyboard, Rev. Dr. Rhonda Myers, interim pastor, will read selections of scripture.
Always a hit with the children is the inclusion of live animals, like this year’s sheep and cow.
All are welcome at this community event, including children.