Orange County Executive Steven M. Neuhaus, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler, Sheriff Paul Arteta, County Clerk Kelly Eskew and Emergency Services Commissioner Brendan Casey, a retired New York State Trooper, attended the 2023 Orange County Law Enforcement Memorial Service on May 5, 2023 at the County Courthouse.
“This service enabled us to not only to pay tribute to law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice, but also to show our support for their families,” Neuhaus said. “We all respect their commitment, dedication and bravery and should let them know that, today and every day.”
The annual event, hosted by the New York State Fraternal Order of Police, Jason Conklin Memorial Lodge, #957, honors Orange County’s 49 law enforcement officers whose deaths were designated in the line of duty by the agencies that they bravely served.
“The Law Enforcement Memorial Service is a very important and moving event,” Arteta said. “It honors those brave men and women who protect and serve every day and pay tribute to officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice and show our support their families and friends.”