Three Goshenites rise to Eagle Scout rank with earthy work
Church and cemetery restoration and enhancement were their goals.

Only 5% of Boy Scouts of America achieve Eagle Scout rank, says Joe Canale, assistant scout master and generation leader for Goshen Troop 63. But he has an abundance of them Three scouts from Troop 63, including Canale’s son Alex, will be recognized as Eagle Scouts on June 4, 1 p.m., at St. James Church in Goshen. They include Samuel Lieneck, Daniel Hartley, and Joe’s son Alexander Canale, of Goshen.
This accomplishment took Sam, Dan, and Alex about 11 years to complete. All three young men have been working toward this goal since they joined Cub Scouts in first grade. They became members of Troop 63 during fifth grade after they earned the Arrow of Light award and have met or exceeded all requirements needed to become an Eagle Scout.
The three boys have served in various leadership positions and received honors and acknowledgements from people and organizations in their communities along the way, according to Scoutmaster Jeffrey Albanese
To qualify for the Eagle rank, a scout must fulfill hundreds of requirements to move through the six ranks leading to Eagle. Each rank must be held for a minimum amount of time, usually four to six months, while actively participating in the troop.
The scout must also earn at least 21 merit badges. Each merit badge has its own set of requirements to complete. Once a scout has moved through the first six ranks, they must complete an Eagle Project and then get approval for the Eagle rank. This approval must be approved unanimously from the Troop and local Council through a lengthy review process that looks at the scout’s character and accomplishments.
An Eagle Project consists of successfully planning, designing, and leading a service project benefiting the community, a religious institution, or a school. For their Eagle Projects, both Sam and Dan chose restorative efforts for cemeteries, Sam at the historic Slate Hill Cemetery and Dan at the Orange County Veterans Cemetery. Alexander chose to work on beautification for St. John’s AUMP Church.
Alex Canale, previously a volunteer at St. John’s AUMP Church, decided to do his Eagle Scout project where he knew his efforts were needed and appreciated by the congregation. Alex said he learned to plan several steps ahead and lead by example. He also learned how involved and dedicated volunteers like Mrs. Dinan were, devoting generous amounts of time to maintain this historic landmark.
Daniel Harley said he chose to do his project at the Orange County Veterans Memorial Ceremony because of his father.
“My dad was in the army for six years, and I have a great respect for veterans,,” he said. “My project went well and was a great experience. A couple of things that I learned from it are that teamwork and listening to one another are important when working with a large number of people.”
Samuel Lieneck said, “I chose my project because I think it’s important to preserve our past. I was surprised that some of the old stones were disappearing underground and wanted to help raise them. I was also surprised that so many other people wanted to help. But I didn’t know how heavy they were going to be. Most stones were so far underground that I couldn’t see more than a small circle. The two stones I practiced on were not as big as most of the stones we raised. I learned that even when you make a plan, something will always be different from what you thought, but you can still accomplish your plan.”
Other Americans who have become Eagle Scouts include former President Gerald R. Ford Jr., film-maker Steven Spielberg, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer and over 40 U.S. astronauts, Joe Canale noted.
All three young men are active in Goshen High School activities and members of the class of 2022. Sam is the son of Lori and Scott Lieneck. Daniel is the son of Patricia and Stephen Hartley. Alexander is the son of Romilda and Joseph Canale.