NYS Archaeological Association to discuss local petroglyphs
Middletown. All are welcome to attend.

At its May 17 meeting, the Orange County chapter of the New York State Archaeological Association will discuss recent petroglyph finds in the lower Hudson Valley and northern Alabama. The meeting will take place at 7:30 p.m. at the Mulberry House Senior Center located at 62-70 West Main Street, Middletown. The Orange County chapter has been involved with archaeological projects since 1958. During the year they invite archaeologists and historians to present on a variety of topics.
The chapter also provides its members the opportunity to participate in archaeological research projects and offers field trips. This meeting is open to the public and will give those who attend the opportunity to get acquainted with the Orange County chapter.
The evening’s presentation will feature recent petroglyph finds in the lower Hudson Valley and northern Alabama. Chapter President and Smithsonian researcher David Johnson will compare similar sites he has examined throughout North America. While in Alabama, he was asked to examine a petroglyph site by one of the Cherokee Native American researchers that he reportedly had never seen before in that region.
For questions, contact the chapter’s president, David Johnson, at 845-454-1860 or via globaldj@optonline.net.