Middletown. Cornell Cooperative master gardeners present virtual workshops

Take a break from the mid-day sun or spend your evening learning something new and having a few laughs with the master gardener volunteers of Cornell Cooperative Extension Orange County.
Coming up, join us for a fun and lively one-hour presentation via the online platform Zoom with Emeritus Master Gardener Barbara Wexler-Hall, who will present a new workshop titled “What Evil Lurks in the Heart of our Gardens?”
This workshop will introduce you to murder, mystery and mayhem while exploring the poisonous plants around us. Plants are used for food, medicine and materials like clothing and beauty products, but some can be painful, intoxicating or deadly.
What you don’t know might kill you!
Both day and evening sessions are available on Wednesday, July 29, from noon-1 p.m. and Wednesday, Aug. 5, from 7-8 p.m.
Pre-registration is required for the session of your choice. To register or for more information, visit www.cceorangecounty.org or call 845 344-1234, ext. 262. The Zoom link to join the session of your choice will be emailed to you upon registering.
During this difficult time, pricing is available on a sliding scale. The recommended fee is a $10 per participant, $20 fee to sponsor yourself and another participant in need, or a $0 fee for those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Gardening in Orange County newsletter subscribers receive a discounted price of $8.