Learn the art of basket weaving at the Chester Public library: This classic bread basket will look beautiful on your table. Provided photo.
Learn the art of basket making and weave a basket at the Chester Public Library on Saturday, Nov. 6, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Robin Ingram is the instructor and she is a member of the Westchester Basketmakers Guild.
The basket is made of reed; the size is 10 inches by 6 inches by 5 inches. There will be a choice of colors for the stripes.
Materials fee is $12 to be paid at the time of program.
Register for this program at www.chesternypubliclibrary.com. Registration will close Monday, Nov. 1.
The program will be held downstairs at the library.
Bring a snack; there will be a break.