'Bulldog Your Way Through Cancer'
HUMOR. A little book about a big serious subject by Beth Quinn.

It’s not often that you see the words “cancer” and “laughter” in the same sentence, but that’s exactly what Bulldog Your Way Through Cancer is.
Laughter about cancer. Really.
And it came about because a humor writer got cancer.
When Beth Quinn, a former columnist with the Times Herald-Record, was diagnosed with lung cancer in March, one of the first things she discovered was that people wanted to help.
“If there’s anything I can do, please let me know,” she heard time and again.
And people meant it. So Beth started giving out assignments.
It was an assignment to a family member, Josie Mullally, that became the genesis Bulldog. Josie, who lives in Colorado, has the four most adorably ugly bulldogs in all of Dogdom and, as a lifelong dog lover herself, Beth’s task for Josie was a natural.
“Send me pictures of your dogs,” she said. “I need to start each day with a laugh, and they’re meant for the job.”
So Josie began emailing pictures of her dogs. And when Beth saw those photos – dogs in costumes, dogs engaged in dogly antics, dogs smiling and frowning and snuggling and sleeping – it didn’t take long to realize she was looking at the start of a book.
"Bulldog Your Way Through Cancer" was created from the most awesome human instinct – Josie’s desire to do something for someone who needed a helping hand and a good laugh.
Whether you have cancer yourself or know someone engaged in the struggle to beat it – or you’re simply a dog lover who enjoys a good laugh – this little book is for you.
Bulldog is available at amazon.com. If your group would like to invite Quinn for a book signing and conversation, she can be reached at huckquinn@gmail.com.