Goshen School District awarded $50,000 grant to establish emerging cybersecurity, aviation and drone flight lab
Goshen. Once this project is completed, students will be able to learn advanced computer science, coding and computer programming, all necessary for these career fields.

Assemblyman Colin J. Schmitt has secured a $50,000 that will allow the Goshen School District to purchase and install an Aviation, Drone Flight and Cybersecurity lab at the high school.
This grants adds on to the recently constructed Science Technology Engineering Art Math Lab, or STEAM lab.
Several new STEAM courses were developed in order to fully utilize the new learning space and will include hands-on learning in computer science, robotics, engineering, graphics and spatial skills, computer-aided design, coding and more. The Aviation, Drone Flight and Cybersecurity lab will be an entirely new room within the STEAM lab and will add to the opportunities now available to Goshen High School students.
Emerging career fields
This grant will subsidize 90 percent of the cost to create a permanent educational space that will be used exclusively to provide students with specific instructions in the emerging fields of cybersecurity, aviation and drone flight. Once this project is completed, students will be able to learn advanced computer science, coding and computer programming, all necessary for these career fields.
“We are grateful to Assemblyman Schmitt for this grant to strengthen our school offerings in emerging career fields and new technologies,” High School Principal Jennifer Martin said. “Goshen students now have the most advanced technologies available.”
‘Technology has transformed the modern workplace’
Kyle Roddey, an assistant high school principal, added: “Technology has transformed the modern workplace and this addition to our STEAM lab students will have new unparalleled learning opportunities.”
Early opportunities
Jason Pucci, the Goshen School Board President, said the grant will allow the district “to build upon the strong foundation of curriculum Goshen has to offer.”
This grant, noted Orange County Legislator James O’Donnell, will provide “students with opportunities to be trained in the most advanced technology and aviation fields available before even leaving high school.”